Bounce Yourself Well

Exercise is a sure-fire immune booster. When we get the blood flowing, it clears out stagnation and flushes toxins and germs, reducing the number of colds we experience. In the winter months, we can find a lot of excuses to avoid exercise: it's too cold, too wet, too dark to go out and run or even make the trip to the gym.

That's why this is a fabulous time to invest in my favorite exercise tool, the Cellerciser, which you can use in the comfort of your home to get fun, easy exercise that will put a smile on your face and keep seasonal illness at bay. This product may bring to mind happy memories of the mini-trampolines of your childhood, and that's great -- what better way to inspire you to get the exercise you need! But don't be fooled -- this ain't your childhood trampoline! This is a high-quality, durable rebounder with triple-tiered springs and an all-steel frame that is designed to help you get a full-body work-out for years to come.


When I began Cellercising, I was really sick with many chronic conditions, but I found that this form of exercise can be great for anyone. I began with a simple three minutes of extremely gentle bouncing. My feet never left the mat as I propelled myself up and down. There’s even an optional bar attachment for those who are less steady on their feet. Using the Cellerciser in this way allows your body to experience a lymphatic flush, and if you’re like I was, symptoms like headaches and nausea can signal that you’re having a detox response – which is actually a good sign that your flowing lymph is moving out the gunk that has kept your body from experiencing optimal health. This type of flush can not only help improve chronic conditions like the ones I was dealing with, but it also moves out the bugs that cause seasonal cold and flu, so you’ll notice that you’re getting sick less frequently. Can you imagine getting this kind of benefit in your living room, maybe while you watch TV, make a phone call, or even for just stopping to bounce on your way from one part of the house to another?

Now that I’ve found my way to greater well-being through the GAPS diet and traditional foods, I’m taking it to the next level and combining my Cellerciserwith high-intensity interval training (HIIT). With this method, you can spend twenty minutes three times a week and get a serious work out that can help you stay slim and toned – in just one hour a week! Who doesn’t have that much time?  I feel such a difference in my body when I’m on my HIIT rhythm.  On Monday, Wednesday and Friday, I carve out 20 minutes, put on my tunes and begin with the gentle bounce described above to warm up my body. Then I do 30 seconds of full-on running on the Cellerciser (this is the “high intensity” part), followed by 90 seconds of fun, moderate movement, bouncing or dancing, then back to the 30 seconds of the highest intensity I can muster, repeating this pattern five to nine times depending on where my body’s at that day.  My favorite thing about HIIT is that when I’m at my top speed and feeling the burn, I know I only have to keep it up for thirty seconds (that’s the “interval” part) before moving into something that’s more fun and easy. Again, this isn’t for everyone, and the beauty of the Cellerciser is that it has met my need for healthy movement all along my healing journey. As you are looking to stay well this winter season, give yourself and your family a gift that will nourish every body, wherever you’re at with your health. 

You can learn more about Cellercise by clicking HERE to visit their website, and you can click HERE to purchase your very own Cellerciser, and by getting there through this link, you’ll do me the favor of allowing me to get a commission form your purchase for tipping your off about this fabulous tool. I look forward to hearing about your winter exercise routines, and the benefits it brings to your whole body, in the comments below.


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