Probiotics: Give Your Gut The Good Guys

Uncategorized Nov 09, 2019

The priobiotc supplement that is a part of my daily regimen is Prescript Assist, which I believe, based on my extensive research, to be the highest-quality probiotic supplement available.  This probiotic includes 29 bacterial strains of “soil-based organisms,” chosen specifically to replicate naturally occurring bacteria found in the foods of cultures that eat a more traditional diet. These are bacteria that are designed by nature to survive the journey from mouth to stomach to gut. Prescript Assist is also shelf-stable for two years, as demonstrated by quality control testing, and it has been shown to be safe and effective in numerous clinical trials.

As with any potent healing supplement, the best way to begin taking either of these probiotics is under the guidance of a professional who has an extensive history of using the products personally and with patients – me! To get started on a regimen to support optimal bacterial colonization of your gut, schedule a new-patient appointment with me today by calling 541.326.8952 or by clicking here to email me.


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