Say NO to GMO, Part 2

non-gmo Apr 15, 2014

In my last article, I explored what GMO or Genetically Engineered (GE) foods actually are.  This past year both Jackson pased a GMO ban. This coming election, Josephine countiy in Oregon is seeking to pass a similar measures making their farms GMO free. These measures protect Rogue Valley family farmers from the GE pollen that is spread for miles by wind from neighboring farms, contaminating other non-GM crops.  This contamination by GM pollen affects both conventional and organic farm crops and in turn is a great concern for you and your families’ health.
The American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM) has asked physicians to advise patients to avoid GM foods.  I have been letting my patients know about the dangers of consuming GM foods for many years now and will continue to do so, especially since the evidence of detrimental health concerns continues to mount.  The AAEM reported that “Several animal studies indicate serious health risks associated with GM food,” including infertility, immune problems, accelerated aging, faulty insulin regulation, and changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal system (the gut). 

More than 60 countries have labeling requirements, bans, and/or moratoriums on GMOs. Several U.S. counties have GMO crop bans. Nevertheless, long term health and safety testing has not been required by our federal, state, or local governments; nor do they require GMO labeling. This means that as a US consumer, it is challenging to make informed choices about GE foods.  Unfortunately, if you are not paying attention to this issue in your food choices, it is highly likely that you are consuming some GM foods on a regular basis. 

While we continue to learn about the negative health consequences from GE foods, we continue to see more detrimental effects concentrated in small children whose undeveloped immune and digestive systems are particularly susceptible. 
The fact that these man made GE foods are so common in our food supply and that our bodies and our children are essentially the guinea pigs for this technology - which has nothing to do with human health and everything to do with financial gain for the companies who profit from their use - is nothing short of tragic.
For further information on GMO dangers from the Institute for Responsible Technology (IRT), see
While it is important to understand the dangers of GE foods, I like to offer solutions to many health challenges.  Stay tuned for future Say No to GMO in which I will focus on how to avoid GE foods.  You can make the commitment to join me and empower yourself by eating foods that do not include Genetically Engineered ingredients!


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