What Do You Support?

Uncategorized Oct 01, 2014

We are bombarded with media about farming, food production and the value of GMOs.  Some of these articles and videos are cleverly disguised as "news" content, which in truth are advertisements for the sponsors.  Many of us may feel overwhelmed by the variety of options available.  Or we may freeze in the grocery aisle trying to balance the needs of our wallets with what we've seen or heard.  When the choice is made, it is a reflection of our personal economy and values. 

Many of us make choices without following them to their source or conclusion. We trust what we are told because it’s easier in our busy lives. We prefer what’s cheap because we’ve been taught to value immediate cost before other considerations. I know I have and sometimes still do. As human beings, we make choices with short-term glasses. As a result, the true scope of what we support is not apparent.

What Do You Support?

Option One: I support big agribusiness.  Though I may not have considered it before, this means... I support the use of petrochemicals leading to soil degradation and water pollution in the pursuit of business profits. I support ‘food products’ manufactured with genetically altered (GMO) seeds and toxic chemicals. I am in the dark, in company with many people, about what we eat, creating a national health crises of chronic conditions: digestive issues, diabetes, heart disease, dental challenges, weakened immune systems, brain imbalances, toxicity issues, skin problems and much more. 


Option Two: I support sustainable food production, which means... I support stewards of the land and sea who grow and harvest real foods in accordance with nature’s principles.  I prefer fresh, local foods from small farmers, when possible.  I seek out businesses that produce without the addition of toxic contaminates to our soil and water.  I understand that the full cost of food production is more than what I pay at the cash register. I support giving people information they need to choose for themselves. I want the availability and clear labeling of real foods so my purchases become a reflection of my and my family’s sustainable healthy values.

I know real sustainable foods help me and our planet thrive. I enjoy feeding them to my family. I know how much better I feel when I gratefully enjoy them. I recognize that my health care savings help off set my budget for real foods.

One way we can all support sustainable healthy practices is by voting.

This election cycle you have the ability to let these values be reflected every time someone in the state of Oregon goes to the grocery store. You can Vote YES on 92. Click Oregon Right To Know for more information and to donate. When we label our food, everyone has the chance to make a conscious choice.

If big business was proud of their products they would Vote Yes on 92.  If big business was confident consumers would choose their GMO products, they would be thrilled to Vote Yes on 92. If big business wasn't afraid that consumers empowered with information would change their shopping preferences they would Vote Yes on 92.  But... Big business isn't proud. They are spending millions of dollars to defend their secretive practices. They want to hide what's in their products because they know it is of substandard quality.  Big business isn't confident because their accountants and legal advisors tell them to worry.  Big business is afraid that you, armed with information, will change your purchasing habits.  Big business knows that without your ignorance, their profit margins will suffer.

If you Vote Yes on 92, you will more easily be able to choose for yourself what you put into your body and into your family's bodies.

If you Vote Yes on 92, you will be able to support sustainable producers and keep more money in your community.

If you Vote Yes on 92, manufacturers will change their American product packaging and people beyond Oregon will be able to choose for themselves.

If you Vote Yes on 92, you are taking a stand for the health of yourself, your family, your friends, your community, your state and the world.

We do have choices and I for one feel incredibly empowered when I pay attention to the small changes I can incorporate into my busy schedule. I can take a few moments to fill out my ballot. We all can. Please share this post on Facebook.

What do you choose? What small and big actions are you taking in your life to live in a healthy sustainable manner? Please respond below with your comments.  I like hearing from you.

This article appeared in the October 2014 Savor Your Health Newsletter. Sign up in the Sidebar to get more tips, tricks and delicious recipes delivered to your inbox every month.


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