Discover The Miracle Of Life With Stella


Are you looking for a way to communicate the importance of gut health to a child in your life?  If so, I encourage you to check out Janice Condon’s Stella’s Adventures in the Incredible BioTerrain. This book translates the importance of our gut in a fun and accessible way for kids of all ages. Parents, you can inspire your children to eat ferments, take probiotics and make good food choices by introducing them to how the gut really works.  

Like Summer, author Janice Condon overcame her own digestive health challenges with the help of WAPF principles.  She was inspired by her grandchildren to educate the next generation on the importance of gut microbes with this book.  The book is fun and includes characters like Abby Acidophilus and Benny Bifidus, the King of Poo. Watch the video below to learn the Acidophilus Hula, and click here to order the book for a kid or kid at heart who could benefit from its teachings. Janice is offering a...

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