Recipe: Pear Cranberry Clafoutis

GAPS-legal, grain- and gluten-free

Christmas breakfast is just around the corner and I wanted to share with you my delicious holiday brunch dish. It is simple to make and tastes wonderful.  You can eat it warm, but it is also good chilled, which is what makes it such an excellent choice for your holiday morning. You can make ahead or that morning and either way LOVE it.  For a special treat, you can add some whipped cream, whipped coconut cream or drizzle with whole milk plain or vanilla yogurt.


4 large eggs

1/8 cup honey

½ cup sour cream, creme fraiche, or full-fat coconut milk

½ cup (1 stick) butter or unrefined coconut oil 

1 teaspoon vanilla extract  

cup crispy almond* flour 

pinch of ground nutmeg 

¼ teaspoon Celtic Sea Salt

4 medium pears, cored and thinly sliced with the skins on**

1/2 cup cranberries fresh or frozen

*Crispy almonds are nuts that have been soaked in water with a little salt for 12-24...

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