Ask Summer: The Shampoo Question

healthy shampoo Nov 09, 2019

Your Question: "Do you have a specific shampoo you recommend? And does it really matter what shampoo I use? How can my shampoo make that much difference in my health? And does the shampoo you recommend really work?  Will my hair feel and look clean?"

My Answer: The short answer is YES, it does matter what shampoo and body care products you use. Reducing the toxic load on your body is an important part of getting healthy and staying well.  This cornerstone of health is best supported by your food choices and additionally by other lifestyle choices including which personal care products you use.  I've shared much over the years about toxins that can enter your body through the foods you eat (read: GMOs, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical/antibiotic residues, added hormones, fake food ingredients like artificial dyes, etc.). The simple way to avoid ingesting these toxins is by selecting organic foods or foods raised 'better than organic' to put on your plate. 


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