Recipe: Liver Bacon Pate

I made this recipe to share with you after many experiments in the kitchen. Several folks who have identified with not liking liver, have enjoyed this recipe.  If you have tried liver before and are convinced that you don’t like it, give yourself the gift of trying again with top quality ingredients you trust and some of your favorite flavor combinations listed under the optional ingredients list.

I list so many optional ingredients because I really want to encourage you to play with the flavors that work for you and your family.  It is very easy to substitute or adjust the spices or fat, and come up with your own favorite variation.  With enough of these robust, delicious flavors (bacon, anchovies, dried herbs, wine, etc.), you’re sure to find your favorite way to savor this life giving, nutrient dense food!


  • ½ - 1 lb. organic, pastured pork bacon
  • 1 - 1 ½ lb. organic, pastured beef, chicken, or other favorite liver*, sliced...
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