It's Farmers Market Season Again in the Rogue Valley!

local foods Mar 31, 2016

The best food is local food, and the time for local food is NOW! Our Rogue Valley Growers & Crafters Markets started their week-day markets last month in March, and the Saturday markets will begin next month in May. Right now, you can choose from RVGCM's Ashland Tuesday Market and their Medford Thursday Market, both from 8:30AM to 1:30PM.  The Ashland Tuesday Market continues to be held at the Ashland Armory at 1420 E. Main Street in Ashland, but the Medford Thursday Market has a new location in the re-furbished Hawthorne Park, at 501 E. Main Street in Medford, just a hop, skip and a jump from my office. You can even make a day of it -- come visit me on Thursday for some nutritional guidance, then pop in at the market to buy the kind of food that I recommend. Just call 541.326.8952 to schedule your appointment with me. 

Elsewhere around the region, the Grant's Pass Outdoor Grower's Market is now open on Saturdays from 9AM-1PM at 4th and F Streets, and the Cave...

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