Liver and gallbladder congestion are common symptoms of our American lifestyles and have serious consequences on our well-being. Sedentary lives in front of a screen (computer, tv, etc.) consuming toxins from industrially produced processed “foods” and many other modern lifestyle choices tax this critically dynamic duo effecting a variety of important functions from digestion to energy levels and detoxification. A big part of the liver's job is to help the body secrete toxins - both ingested and those that are produced as a byproduct of normal metabolic functioning. This dynamic organ can, however, get overwhelmed if we are not properly nourished and supported.
Thankfully, there are many ways to strengthen your body and specifically your liver. One of my favorite approaches to relieving the burden of liver congestion is, of course, through acupuncture. Before I became an acupuncturist, I suffered from a severe case of chronic liver qi (energy)...