Kombucha, keifer, lactofermented veggies, ghee, lard, bone broth... Many of my patients have never even heard of some of the foods I recommend, and even if they have, they may never have thought to make or use these foods in their own kitchens. That's why patients like the one pictured here (photo used with permission) often bring in the fruits of their culinary adventures and ask me to make sure they've got it right. I'm happy to sniff or sample your
GAPS-friendly kitchen creations, like the kefir pictured here, to make sure that you're on the right track. Familiarity with these types of traditional foods used to be passed down from our ancestors. I've had to seek out experienced folks, sometimes older and sometimes not, who understand the value of carrying forward these nourishing foods. This is now another way that I can support your journey to nutrient-dense eating when you are a patient in my practice.
In fact, many of the patients who bring...