The Harms of Eating Too Much Sugar Are Real

Recently in my office a new patient said to me, “Everyone tells me to stay away from sugar, but no one has told me why.”  After thanking her for asking the question, I explained the damaging effects sugar has on our gut health and how this affects our overall health.  Excess sugar consumption, especially from high fructose corn syrup which we find in so many processed foods, is linked to weakened immune system, liver damage and a host of diseases, including cancer, polycystic ovarian syndrome, high blood pressure, heart disease, Alzheimers and other dementias (see for more on this).

This is why I was especially happy to see the recently released new brochure from the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) on the dangers of this toxic ingredient. The brochure lists a host of diseases caused by refined sugar, from frequent bacterial and viral infections, to cancer, depression and beyond.  Truly, the harms of...

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