Recipe: Blend Your Dandy!

One of the many wonderful aspects of Dandy Blend caffeine free coffee alternative is that it does not require any brewing.  This fits perfectly with our busy schedules and with an impressive range of over 50 trace minerals included in every cup, it provides a steady focused energy as opposed to the roller coaster ride you get from caffeine. Though roasted barley and rye are included in this coffee substitute, it is certified gluten free by repeated ELISA tests, the gold standard for gluten testing. Here's my favorite way to prepare this quick, nourishing beverage:
  • Pure clean water without chlorine or other contaminants (~8 oz)
  • Dandy Blend powder, to taste (~1 Tbsp)
  • Creamy addition of choice, to taste (raw goat or cow milk, homemade nut milk, or coconut milk are my favorites) (~2 heaping Tbsp)
  • Healthy fat of choice (coconut oil, raw butter or ghee are my favorites) (~1 Tbsp)
  • Spice addition of choice (ground cinnamon, cardamom,...
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Give Your Water Super Powers with Liver & Gallbladder ND

supplements Nov 09, 2019
Liver and gallbladder congestion are common symptoms of our American lifestyles and have serious consequences on our well-being. Sedentary lives in front of a screen (computer, tv, etc.) consuming toxins from industrially produced processed “foods” and many other modern lifestyle choices tax this critically dynamic duo effecting a variety of important functions from digestion to energy levels and detoxification. A big part of the liver's job is to help the body secrete toxins - both ingested and those that are produced as a byproduct of normal metabolic functioning. This dynamic organ can, however, get overwhelmed if we are not properly nourished and supported.
Thankfully, there are many ways to strengthen your body and specifically your liver.  One of my favorite approaches to relieving the burden of liver congestion is, of course, through acupuncture.  Before I became an acupuncturist, I suffered from a severe case of chronic liver qi (energy)...
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Ask Summer: The Seafood Question


“I’m worried about toxic contaminants, like radiation, mercury and PCBs, found in fish. Should I avoid eating fish all together?  What do you recommend?”



I love eating seafood! First off, I applaud you for working to avoid exposing your body to toxins! This is a key component of what I recommend to folks who are interested in doing the work needed to improve their health and energy levels.  However, I DO NOT recommend cutting seafood out of your diet to achieve this goal! Consuming healthy seafood from clean waters is actually a very wise dietary choice. It’s just a matter of making wise choices on the seafood you do consume.  I’ll give you some resources and pointers for picking the cleanest and most nourishing seafood options here.


Tip #1: Choose small, oily, deep-sea fish.

As usual, American culture has it backwards on which fish are the best food choices. Most cultures around the world prize the...

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Stay Hydrated, Be Healthy

Here in the Rogue Valley, things are starting to heat up as we move in to summer, and now is the time to make a plan for staying hydrated in the months ahead.  Taking in enough fluid cleans out our internal systems as a robust blood supply flows throughout the hydrated body, removing toxins and getting essential nutrients where they need to go.  Good hydration can help us avoid or reduce headaches, poor digestion, joint pain, muscle soreness, constipation, and a host of skin complaints from the unattractive to the uncomfortable, as the skin attempts to let out the toxins that don't get flushed out properly when we’re dehydrated. In fact, I could probably fill up the rest of this post just listing all the benefits of staying hydrated!  Most of us know we need to get enough to drink, but many of us struggle to make good hydration a part of our daily routine.  To that end, I want to introduce you to a simple yet powerful daily practice that has helped me...

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Recommended Reading: The Power of Habit

In his book, Duhigg lays out the three components of a habit: the cue, which prompts your brain to run a particular habit program; the routine, which is the physical, mental or emotional pattern that the cue triggers; and the reward, the thing that happens as a result of the routine that makes you want to do it again. By paying attention to your daily activities, you can begin to identify the cues, routines and rewards that shape the...

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Ask Summer: The Slow Cooker Question

crock pot slow cooker Nov 09, 2019

Your Question: “I’d like to pick your brain about slow cookers.  I've been looking online at alternatives, clay, non-electric, stainless steel, etc.  I wondered if you use something like this and if so, what would you recommend?”


My Answer: This is a great question, and one that comes up often with my patients.  When you’re a busy person wanting to make nourishing food choices, a slow cooker can transform home cooking from an impossible dream to a daily reality.  While we don’t necessarily think of a hot meal as our first go-to in the summer months, using your slow cooker will certainly generate less additional heat in your home than turning on the stove or oven to prepare a cooked meal, making it a kitchen must-have all year round.  Below, I’ll discuss three recommended slow cookers, their pros and cons, and direct you to websites where you can purchase them yourself (Hint: Click the image and/or brand...
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Ask Summer: The Shampoo Question

healthy shampoo Nov 09, 2019

Your Question: "Do you have a specific shampoo you recommend? And does it really matter what shampoo I use? How can my shampoo make that much difference in my health? And does the shampoo you recommend really work?  Will my hair feel and look clean?"

My Answer: The short answer is YES, it does matter what shampoo and body care products you use. Reducing the toxic load on your body is an important part of getting healthy and staying well.  This cornerstone of health is best supported by your food choices and additionally by other lifestyle choices including which personal care products you use.  I've shared much over the years about toxins that can enter your body through the foods you eat (read: GMOs, pesticide residues, pharmaceutical/antibiotic residues, added hormones, fake food ingredients like artificial dyes, etc.). The simple way to avoid ingesting these toxins is by selecting organic foods or foods raised 'better than organic' to put on your plate. 


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"Is this how it's supposed to taste?"

trying out new recipes Nov 09, 2019

In fact, many of the patients who bring...

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Recipe: Kale & Nori Salad

This delicious Kale Salad is at the center of this beautiful plate from the Women Acupuncturists dinner I recently attended.

Kale is a nutrient-packed veggie that I encourage folks to eat -- as long as you cook it first! Cooking your kale not only makes the nutrients more available for use by your body, it also eliminates compounds in the kale that can actually work against your body's optimal well-being. But "cooked" doesn't have to mean "hot." This kale salad recipe features chilled cooked kale marinated in an Asian-inspired dressing for a refreshing cool salad for the hot afternoons and evenings of our "Indian summer" days.


  • 2T white sesame seeds
  • ½oz dried nori or other thick, firm seaweed, cut into ¼in strips
  • 4c boiling water
  • 1 bunch kale, center veins removed, torn into salad-sized pieces
  • 1 small red bell pepper, cut into 1in slivers
  • 2-3T toasted sesame oil
  • 2T liquid aminos or tamari
  • 1 clove garlic, pressed
  • 1 1in piece fresh ginger, peeled and grated
  • ...
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Bounce Yourself Well

Exercise is a sure-fire immune booster. When we get the blood flowing, it clears out stagnation and flushes toxins and germs, reducing the number of colds we experience. In the winter months, we can find a lot of excuses to avoid exercise: it's too cold, too wet, too dark to go out and run or even make the trip to the gym.

That's why this is a fabulous time to invest in my favorite exercise tool, the Cellerciser, which you can use in the comfort of your home to get fun, easy exercise that will put a smile on your face and keep seasonal illness at bay. This product may bring to mind happy memories of the mini-trampolines of your childhood, and that's great -- what better way to inspire you to get the exercise you need! But don't be fooled -- this ain't your childhood trampoline! This is a high-quality, durable rebounder with triple-tiered springs and an all-steel frame that is designed to help you get a full-body work-out for years to come.


When I began Cellercising, I was...

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